All merit in creation is due to closeness to the best of creation, salla Llahu alayhi wa alihi wa sahbihi wa sallam. Physical closeness results in merit. Just think of Madinah–the moment he stepped foot in it, to this day, until the end of time.
Temporal closeness is another example. Just think of the first generations of Muslims.
Familial relation is a tremendous closeness.
Even closeness in species. There is a specialness to humanity because he is human, salla Llahu alayhi wa alihi wa sahbihi wa sallam. “We have honored the children of Adam.”
Resemblance is among the most significant kinds of closeness–particularly resembling him in practice and in character. Salla Llahu alayhi wa alihi wa sahbihi wa sallam.
Mention is closeness. Praying for him, through salawat. Salla Llahu alayhi wa alihi wa sahbihi wa sallam.
Belonging is closeness. Being of his people, his ummah, is a closeness so special that even the most elite of messengers, such as our master Musa, alayhi l-salam, are envious of those who received that closeness–until Musa, himself, asked for that particular closeness.
Love is unmatched closeness. It gives a with-ness. “You are with whomever you love.”

And the most foundational closeness is through belief. Without believing in him, salla Llahu alayhi wa alihi wa sahbihi wa sallam, no other closeness matters. Even the prophets who were in this world before he was sent were commanded to believe in him, even being ordered to take a formal covenant to follow him and support him.
So then what if some kinds of closeness are simply not meant for you? Well, that doesn’t prevent you from other kinds of closeness.
How many Muhammadan lover is nearer and dearer to the Prophet, salla Llahu alayhi wa alihi wa sahbihi wa sallam, than someone right there in Madinah! Aching for him, loving him, always present with him.
What if someone is not of his Household? Well, tremendous love and devotion and grace can bring someone so close that such a person may even be brought into the Household. “Salman is of us, the Household.”
The Prophet, salla Llahu alayhi wa alihi wa sahbihi wa sallam, is a man, which inherently prevents a certain closeness for women. Of course, his wives, our mothers, received a very special closeness, Allah accept them. And his daughter, Lady Fatimah, to her peace, has a closeness that none other in creation has. But what about other women? The first row in prayer, for example, which entails a certain closeness for men is not for women.
But remember that love and obedience are immense closeness, especially when they conflict with emotion and personal desire. So in physical distance can be closeness through obedience. (Think of Uways al-Qarani, for example.) Counterintuitive, perhaps. But there are many kinds of closeness. Following his blessed footsteps and obeying his commands is closeness upon closeness. Salla Llahu alayhi wa alihi wa sahbihi wa sallam. Lord, illumine us with obedience to Your beloved, salla Llahu alayhi wa alihi wa sahbihi wa sallam.
The Prophet, salla Llahu alayhi wa alihi wa sahbihi wa sallam, informed us that women have been made beloved to him. What a closeness! This was not said about men. We men have right to be envious of women for that. But al-hamdu liLlah, there are many paths to closeness.
Finally, look at temporal closeness. We are in times distant from the Prophet, salla Llahu alayhi wa alihi wa sahbihi wa sallam. And we are deprived from temporal closeness to him. Yet he informed us that he longs for us. Ya rabb! 💔❤ If that doesn’t melt your heart and bring tears to your eyes, than what will?
He referred to us as his brothers (and the term includes women). When his companions asked aren’t they his brothers, he reserved that closeness for us. He described us as those who believe in him without having seen him. Allah!
So those who saw him and believed in him have a special closeness, which no others can attain. It is a closeness unique to them. But those who believe in him without having seen him also have a closeness unique to them, which no others can attain.

الحمد لله والصلاة والسلام على رسول الله

Lord, grant us closeness to the one who is the closest of all creation to You. Ya rabb!

الصلاة والسلام عليك يا حبيبي يا رسول الله

الصلاة والسلام عليك يا حبيبي يا رسول الله

الصلاة والسلام عليك يا حبيبي يا رسول الله

– Sidi Mostafa Azzam (May Allah Preserve him)

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