
You are a miracle of God, 

The marvel among the created,

Creation owes to you 

The existence that originated.
You are the product of Love,

God beautified you with passion,

He dressed you in mercy and

Cloaked you in graceful fashion.
Just like colours enhance

The flickering, shimmering lights,

Your yearning love in our souls

Elevates us to utmost heights.
You are the apex of 

Sublime perfection, 

You are the choicest

Of God’s selection.

You are the source

Of our affection,

And the redeemer on

The Day of Resurrection.

You are our heart’s 

Enlightening direction,

You are the epiphany 

Of our deep reflection,

You are free, free, free

From all imperfection.
Salalahu alaika Ya Rasool’Allah wasallam alaika Ya Habeeb’Allah

Abu Esa Hashmi

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